author/illustrator: Jérémy Piningre
ages: 4+
48 pages
23 x 32 cm
hardcover with hot stamping on the cover
Fruit and Veggins
At the greengrocer's, you can buy all kinds of fruit and veggies, from currants to leeks, from celery to kiwi. But isn't that a funny hat sticking out? Who are these strange creatures lurking between the bean rows?
These are the Veggins! A colony of playful but shy little creatures, not keen on being discovered by us, humans. That's why they wait until nightfall to bring out their musical instruments, made of walnut shells, and happily celebrate Oberjin's birthday.But after a night of partying, the Veggins wake up and Oberjin has disappeared! Could she have gone to Ouuutsiiiide, that forbidden and highly dangerous land of time-eating Telefelines and other evil Meanmushrooms?
A fanzine and micro-publishing enthusiast, Jérémy Piningre is well-versed in the ancestral techniques of felted wool carpet-making, milk enameling and natural dyeing, while mastering all aspects of lactofermentation. As the co-founder of the Cardon Luneux micro publishing house with artist Aëla Maï Cabel, he is happy to pass on his knowledge through editions and workshops, so it was only natural for him to include in his first children's book enough vegetables to cook a good ratatouille!