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author / illustrator: Julien Baer, Magali Le Huche

ages: 4+

36 pages 

18 x 26 cm



Les Éditions des Éléphants

Sold: Italian


  • At my school, a whole bunch of pupils is always together, talking about this and that: about what their parents do for a living (they all have great jobs), of their houses (they’re huge) or their holidays (always amazing!). What if I introduced them to my pet, George?

    Hiding under what looks like a light farce, two big names of children's literature, Julien Baer and Magali Le Huche, pinpoint the boastfulness that reigns around the playgrounds, tackling issues such as the lack of selfconfidence and the difficulties of integration. But the duo reminds us that even when we think we are not worthy of interest, we have many unsuspected resources within ourselves.

    Though not serious at all, this picture book does grasp a matter that is in fact very serious. Funny and touching at the same time, Modest succeeds in shutting up those who feel a bit superior. Highly enjoyable!





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