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author/illustrator: Hector Dexet

ages: 2+

18 pages

24 x 36 cm

board book with die-cuts

sold: Basque

Three Little Mice and a Cat

  • The story: Three little mice explore the farm without noticing the presence of a cat.
    The consequences are hilarious!

    The + of the collection: A material to touch allows children to spot Douce, the heroine, who belongs to a trio of otherwise identical
    mice. The clues to the presence of the cat are highlighted by the use of the same colour.

    These clues create suspense. Besides identifying Douce, the reader is given “search and find” visuals (find a worm, a snail ...)


    Hector Dexet

    18 titles available

    10 languages

    350 000 copies sold

    Discover more titles by Hector Dexet

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