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author / illustrator: Guillaume Olive, He Zhihong

ages: 4+

32 pages 

28 x 16,5 cm



Les Éditions des Éléphants

Sold: Simplified Chinese

The Animals of the Zodiac

  • A traditional tale explaining the origins of the Chinese zodiac signs and of the feud between the mouse and the cat.


    Back when people didn’t know how to count the years, the Emperor of the Sky organised a big race. The twelve winners would each represent a year. The cat and the mouse were good friends and helped each other, until the mouse betrayed his friend...


    The tale of the mouse’s cunning and malice will shock the youngest readers and make the older ones smile.


    Discover more titles by Guillaume Olive and He Zhihong in Les Éditions des Éléphants' rights list.


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