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author / illustrator: Alain Serge Dzotap / Irène Schoch

ages: 4+

32 pages 

23 x 30 cm


Les Éditions des Éléphants

Sold: Greek, Portuguese (Brazil)



The Chewy Stone Soup

  • A tale to reflect on prejudice, sharing, and solidarity.


    Famine has hit and Leuk, the hare, is famished. He knocks on Bouki the hyena’s door but she has nothing for him. But when he manages to convince her to lend him a pot for so that he can make a mysterious stone soup, she and all the savannah animals will end up donating the ingredients they believe are missing from the soup.

    All emerge from this African soup feeling full and wiser.


    • 2019 D-Pictus 100 outstanding books (Frankfurt Book Fair)

    Alain Serge Dzotap transposes this well-known story to the savannah with the bestiaries of African folktales along side Irène Schoch’s vibrant and joyful pictures.

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